
Varicose Veins Treatments Are Not Just For Cosmetic Reasons

If you have bulging, purple varicose veins in your legs, chances are you have felt insecure about it. You may have felt shy about wearing short dresses, skirts and shorts because the bulging veins are visible. You have done and followed everything you have read about to prevent exacerbating the condition because you are not willing to spend money on treatments.

There is a misconception that treatments for varicose veins is only done because of cosmetic reasons. If you are thinking the same thing hence your unwillingness to splurge, you are among those who are not aware of the health risks of varicose veins that are left untreated.

Varicose Veins Are Painful

People with varicose veins have experienced cramping or aching in their legs. They have also complained about throbbing, tingling, heaviness, tiredness and burning that has been attributed to their bulging varicose veins. These sensations might not be considered severe by others and might only be counted as an annoyance, but for those whose pain is in the extreme, it is best to seriously consider getting varicose veins treatments. There are numerous treatments available for this, dont worry since some of the treatments are non-invasive.

Varicose Veins Could Lead To Restless Leg Syndrome

If you have varicose veins, you could be experiencing restless leg syndrome as well. Restless leg syndrome or RLS is the uncontrollable urge to move your legs because of an unpleasant sensation. This usually happens in the evening and could result in disrupted sleep. Moving your legs help ease the uncomfortable feeling but you would have to keep doing it every time you feel the sensation which would disrupt your sleep every night. When you feel tired the next day because of a lack of sleep, it could affect your way of life.

Varicose Veins Could Lead To Skin Infection

Because of varicose veins, our tissues swell and when it happens, our body’s defense against infection is weakened and it is easy for bacteria to enter into our body. One of the conditions that could result in this is cellulitis, a skin infection. Treatment for the skin infection is different but could still recur if the swelling because of the varicose vein is not treated firsthand.

Varicose Veins Could Lead To Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep vein thrombosis is a possibility of the blood clots in varicose veins. It is a serious medical condition that could lead to a life-threatening situation. Deep vein thrombosis if not treated immediately could lead to blood clots that could move to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism. 25% of patients with varicose veins develop deep vein thrombosis.

It is easy to categorize treatments for varicose veins as cosmetic but there are hidden dangers especially a condition that could seriously be life-threatening. If you are experiencing pain because of your varicose veins, it is better that you seek professional help. Better treat the symptoms early especially if you are not keen to get surgery. Perhaps if you would get the treatment as early as now, minimally invasive procedures would be enough.